

gli Aironi Neri Exeprience hanno creato una pagina sul famoso sito di


I ain't a hero or a lawyer man
I ain't a doctor or the President

from the darkness... from the darkness... I come from the darkness

I drive an old car in a summer night
I drive an old car looking for a cigarette to light

I haven't a boat or a brand new limousine
I haven't a plane or an island in the sea

I only have a heart... I only have a heart... Ya babe listen to my heart

a restless blues, a restless soul
a handful of friends it's what I got

I ain't a hero or a lawyer man
I ain't a doctor or the President

from the darkness... from the darkness... I come from the darkness

I drive an old car in a summer night
I drive an old car looking for a cigarette to light

And my only wish it's a long black cadillac