

gli Aironi Neri Exeprience hanno creato una pagina sul famoso sito di

My Baby Jane

My Baby Jane... My Baby Jane...
Please sing your song again 'n' again

I was spending my evening from bar to bar
Drinking the last whiskey under a gray storming sky
When from the distance she lighted a fire
Took the guitar and gave us the power

My Baby Jane... My Baby Jane...
Please sing your song again 'n' again

During the day I feel her sound too
From the golden fields onto the green woods
The eagle-how is crouched on the edge of abyss
Sharpening the talons to become the hunting artist

My Baby Jane... My Baby Jane...
Please sing your song again 'n' again

My Baby Jane... My Baby Jane...
Please sing your song again 'n' again

You are the order and caos (My Baby)

My Baby Jane... My Baby Jane...
Please sing your song again 'n' again

Please sing your song again 'n' again...
Please sing your song again 'n' again...